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PWR 99ANSC and 99ANCR: Portfolio Preparation I

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This 1-unit course introduces ePortfolios and folio thinking to students in either the Notation in Science Communication (NSC) or the Notation in Cultural Rhetorics (NCR). The course assists students in designing a rhetorical ePortfolio and in selecting and reflecting on artifacts that represent student learning in science communication/cultural rhetorics. It is also a wonderful chance for NSC/NCR students to form a community and bond with each other in a fun, creative and engaging environment.

Course Learning Goals

As the first of a two-part ePortfolio requirement for a Notation, PWR 99A students will build a solid foundation in the theory and practice of “folio thinking.” To this end, students will:

  • Engage in the creative and technical processes of building an ePortfolio
  • Understand that reflection is a systematic and disciplined process
  • Develop a deeper understanding of their learning and connect disparate learning experiences
  • Support each other as a community of curious and growth-oriented learners
  • Outline a plan for future work in the Notation in Science Communication or Notation in Cultural Rhetorics programs

For more information about NSC, see

For more information about NCR,


Catalog Number: PWR 99ANSC or PWR 99ANCR

Units: 1

Schedule 99ANSC

Schedule 99ANCR

Prerequisite: WR-1 requirement or the permission of instructor

Grade option: Letter (ABCD/NP)

Course Feature: Notations Track (NSC or NCR). This course does not fulfill the WR-1 or WR-2 Requirement. Required of students in either the Notation in Science Communication program or the Notation in Cultural Rhetorics program.