PWR 2 Fall 2024
Main content start
TTH 9:30AM-11:20AM; 11:30AM-1:20PM
PWR 2EI: Knock Off: Rhetorics of Copying, Memeing, Modding and Piracy
TTH 1:30PM-3:20PM; 3:30PM-5:20PM
PWR 2JP: The Rhetoric of Art and Commerce
TTH 9:30AM-11:20AM
PWR 2KR: Propaganda and Rhetoric
MW 9:30AM-11:20AM; 11:30AM-1:20PM
PWR 2MAA: The Rhetoric of Generative AI
TTH 9:30AM-11:20AM
PWR 2NF: Language Gone Viral
MW 9:30AM-11:20AM; 11:30AM-1:20PM
PWR 2SNA: Rhetoric of Bodies
MW 9:30AM-11:20AM