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PWR 99BNSC/PWR 99BNCR: Portfolio Preparation II

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A 2-unit culminating course on ePortfolios for students in the Notation in Science Communication (NSC) and also the Notation in Cultural Rhetorics (NCR). NSC students take PWR99BNSC and NCR students take PWR99BNCR. 

In this course, students will continue building, revising, and editing a portfolio of documents, slides, posters, podcasts, storymaps, and videos that will demonstrate development as a science communicator/cultural rhetorician. This is the second of a two-part ePortfolio capstone requirement for the NSC/NCR.

For more information, see or

colorful surreal painting of people connected to trees and money and imprisoned

Sample of artifact from an eportfolio.

Catalog Number: PWR 99BNCR; PWR 99BNSC

Units: 2

Schedule 99BNCR

Schedule 99BNSC

Prerequisite: PWR 99ANCR or PWR 99ANSC; PWR 91NSC (for NSC students) PWR 194NCR (for NCR students)

Grade option: Letter (ABCD/NP)

Course Feature: Science Communication Track. This course does not fulfill the WR-1 or WR-2 Requirement. Required of students in the Notation in Science Communication program/Notation in Cultural Rhetorics program.