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Students in PWR2EE

PWR Companion Courses

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The PWR 1 Studio and Workshop are 1-unit companion courses to PWR 1, ESF, and ITALIC 95W that offer students the opportunity to spend additional time outside of their assigned writing sections developing effective composition and revision strategies. We currently offer one section of the PWR 1 Studio for Multilingual Writers (PWR 1WS) and one section of the PWR 1 Workshop (PWR 1WW) that students can enroll in concurrently with their assigned WR-1 class.

students in a classroom

PWR 1 Studio for Multilingual Writers

The PWR 1 Studio (PWR 1WS) is designed for students who speak other languages in addition to English who would like to participate in weekly group sessions with other multilingual writers interested in extra, focused time developing their college-level writing practice, with attention to style, drafting, and revision.

PWR 1 Workshop

The PWR 1 Workshop (PWR 1WW) is a PWR 1 companion course intended for any students enrolled in PWR 1 (or its equivalent) who are interested in additional guided time for work on college-level writing and revision strategies in a small-group setting.

instructor talking to students

Visit the Studio and Workshop pages for more information or write